(南京工业大学化学化工学院, 南京210009)
摘要: 以具有粗糙结构的超疏水的聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)涂层为基体, 研究具有不同表面张力的乙醇/水混合溶液在表面的润湿. 通过空气分率的计算并进行液滴受力分析. 结果表明, 随着表面张力的降低, 乙醇/水混合溶液逐
渐填满涂层表面的粗糙结构,当表面张力大于约28 mN·m-1时,溶液首先填满表面上的条纹状结构; 当表面张力小于约28 mN·m-1时, 溶液填满表面上的乳突状结构. 当条纹状结构被填满时, 粗糙表面空气分率下降很小, 溶
液不能润湿PTFE 涂层表面;当乳突状结构被填满时, 粗糙表面空气分率迅速下降,溶液能够润湿PTFE涂层.
关键词: PTFE; 粗糙; 润湿性; 乙醇/水
Wetting Behaviors of Ethanol/Water on Rough PTFE Surface
(College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University of Technology, Nanjing 210009, P. R. China)
Abstract: The wetting behaviors of ethanol/water solutions with different surface tensions were studied on theough superhydrophobic polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) coating. Air fraction was calculated using Cassie equation and the forces were compared. The result indicated that the ethanol/water solutions gradually filled in the multilevel structures of the PTFE coating with the decrease in the surface tension. Only the stripe structure was filled when the surface tension was greater than 28 mN·m-1. When the surface tension was less than 28 mN·m-1, the papillary structure was also filled. Because it has little contribution to the air fraction, the surface could not be wetted when the stripe structure was filled. However, the surface could be wetted by the solutions when the papillary structure, which had a considerable contribution to the air fraction, was filled.
KeyWords: PTFE; Rough; Wettability; Ethanol/water thank you sdarar 我要下载