作 者:蔺爱国 张国忠 刘刚
LIN Ai-guo, ZHANG Guo-zhong, LIU Gang(College of Storage & Transportation and Civil Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Dongying 257061, China)
出 处:《石油学报(石油加工)》 EI CAS CSCD 2007年第23卷第6期 66-69页,共4页
Acta Petrolei Sinica (Petroleum Processing Section)
摘 要:对油田含油污水中不同孔径的改性聚四氟乙烯膜的流动电位进行了实验研究。根据Helmhohz—Smoluchowski方程计算出改性聚四氟乙烯膜的微孔表面zeta电位,并对油田含油污水中悬浮颗粒的zeta电位进行了测定。结果表明,改性聚四氟乙烯膜面带有负电荷,表面zeta电位稳定在-20mV左右,对膜孔径及温度、流量等操作条件的依赖性不强。而污水中悬浮颗粒zeta电位也为负值。由于膜面电荷的作用,使膜具有更强的截留悬浮物颗粒及抗污染能力。
The electrokinetic phenomena of modified polytetrafluoroethylene membranes in the oily sewage from oil field were investigated by using streaming potential method, The zeta potential of the membrane in the oily sewage was calculated on the basis of Helmholtz-Smoluchowski equation. The zeta potential of the particulates suspended in oily sewage was also determined. The experimental and calculation results showed that the membrane was charged negatively, whose zeta potentials maintain at - 20 mV around. The aperture of membranes, the temperature and the filtration flux had little influence on the streaming potential and the zeta potential of the membrane. Also the suspended particulates in the oily sewage were charged negatively. The membranes have strong ability withholding the suspended particulates and powerful anti pollution competence because of the role of the charges on the membranes.
关 键 词:含油污水 膜 动电现象 流动电位 zeta电位
oily sewage membrane electrokinetic phenomena streaming potential zeta potential
分 类 号: TQ028.8 [工业技术 > 化学工业 > 一般性问题 > 化工过程(物理过程及物理化学过程) > 分离过程]
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