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    发表于 2012-6-12 22:40:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    Self- lubricating Bearing Cage Materials Made of  Modified PTFE- based Composites
    作  者:王枫 孙小波 时连卫

    WANG Feng, SUN Xiao - bo, SHI Lian - wei ( Department of Chemical Materials Development, Luoyang Bearing Science & Technology Co. , Ltd. , Luoyang  471039, China)


    出  处:《轴承》 2012年第2期 59-62页,共4页


    摘  要:介绍了所研制的改性聚四氟乙烯基自润滑轴承保持架材料的性能,优、缺点,适用范围及应用实例,并展望了其今后的研究方向。

    The properties, advantages, disadvantages, application fields and application cases of self - lubricating bearing cage materials made of modified PTFE - based composites are introduced, and the future research trends are prospected.

    关键词:保持架 改性聚四氟乙烯 自润滑轴承
    cage ; modified PTFE ; self - lubricating bearing ;

    分类号:TH133.33 [工业技术 > 机械、仪表工业 > 机械零件及传动装置 > 转动机件 > 轴承]

    全文快照:Bearing Cage Materials M ade of M odified PTFE ——based Composites WANG Feng,SUN Xiao—bo,SHI Lian—wei (Department of Chemical Materials Development,Luoyang Bearing Science&Technology Co.,Ltd.,Luoyang 471039,China) Abstract:The properties,advantages,disadvantages,application fields and application cases of self—lubricating beating cage materials made of modified FE —based composites are introduced.and the future research trends are prospected.


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