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发表于 2012-6-14 21:39:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Lubricating Properties of Composites Based on Resins Reinfored by Fiber Fabric at High Loads
作  者:姜卫陵 高阳 陈江涛 王立峰 丁浩亮

Jiang Weiling Gao Yang Chen Jiangtao Wang Lifeng Ding Haoliang(Aerospace Research Institute of Materials & Processing Technology,Beijing 100076)


出  处:《宇航材料工艺》 CA CSCD 2011年第41卷第4期 67-71页,共5页

Aerospace Materials & Technology

摘  要:采用高强纤维与聚四氟乙烯纤维混编织物增强树脂制成自润滑复合材料,在重载摩擦工况下进行了摩擦试验,研究了不同的高强纤维、基体树脂对表面温度、应力、摩擦因数及压缩强度的影响,并对自润滑复合材料的"PTFE转移润滑膜"的减摩机理进行了分析。结果表明,重载条件下织物A/改性酚醛树脂综合性能优异,摩擦过程中摩擦表面形成"PTFE转移润滑膜",摩擦因数达到0.018。

The self-lubricating composites which were made up of enhanced resins and blend fabric woven by high strength fiber and PTFE fiber were investigated.Moreover,wear experiments were carried out by using specimens made of the composites at high loads.The influence of surface temperature,stress,frictional coefficient and compressing properties in terms of different kinds of high strength fibers and resins was also studied.In addition,the mechanism of reducing friction coefficient was analysed because of "PTFE transferd lubricating films of the composites".The results showed that the comprehensive properties of the composites made by blend fabric A and modified phenolic resin were excellent,and the films were found on the surface of the composies in the course of the friction at high loads.The friction coefficient arrived at 0.018 eventually.

关键词:重载 摩擦试验 自润滑复合材料 聚四氟乙烯
High loads ; Frictional experiments ; Self-lubricating composites ; PTFE ;

分类号:TQ342.711 [工业技术 > 化学工业 > 化学纤维工业 > 合成纤维 > 特种纤维 > 聚氟烯烃纤维(含氟纤维)]

全文快照:composites,rFE 0 引言聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)是常用的自润滑材料,但其承载能力低,耐磨性差,国内外学者在提高PTFE耐磨性方面开展了大量研究¨ 。Shin。Jen Shiao【和Alireza Khoddamza.deh【分别采用玻璃纤维和40wt%PTFE+ 15wt%T401+ 45wt%青铜制成的复合材料用于滑动轴承表现出优秀的综合性能。Wang等研究了钛钾化合物和短碳纤维改性的PTFE复合材料在干、湿和含碱条件下的摩擦磨损行为、机理以及力学性能。su等_8 将混合型玻璃一FE织物浸入含有4%纳米TiO 的酚醛树脂制成复合材料。Xiang等研制出含有PTFE60%表面比例的一种新的16MnNb钢一PTFE复合材料并证实了其充分的润滑性。上述研究主要通过添加碳纤维、玻璃纤维、特种金属、纳米材料、二硫化钼等填料来减小复合材料的磨损率。本文采用高强纤维与P1’FE纤维混编织物增强树脂基体制成自润滑复合材料加工成轴衬产品,将其粘接在轴承座摩擦表面上(图1),研究不同方案的自润滑复合材料在重载摩擦工况下的摩擦磨损性能。


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