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发表于 2012-6-24 06:32:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
薛子文 杨东辉兖矿国泰化工有限公司,山东滕州277527

摘 要:在某300 kt/a乙酸装置中,合成反应釜自循环管线上所采用的普通型PTFE(聚四氟乙烯)内衬旋塞阀经常出现内衬损坏的情况,经分析主要原因是冷流现象导致内衬脱落,现场操作导致内衬错位,阀门半开半闭导致内衬变形,内衬热膨胀导致阀芯旋转时剪切脱落,温度升高导致PTFE力学性能下降。通过采用T475材质来取代原有的普通型PTFE内衬,并改变旋塞阀的内部结构,使旋塞阀内衬损坏的问题得到解决,取得了较好的结果。[著者文摘]

关键词:乙酸 阀门 聚四氟乙烯内衬 损害 处理
分类号: TQ225.122[著者标引]文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7906(2010)04-0051-04栏目信息:工厂实践
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Analyses and settlements to damages of linings in valves with special materials in acetic acidXUE Ziwen,YANG DonghuiYankuang Cathay Coal Chemicals Co.Ltd.,Tengzhou 277527,ChinaAbstract:In the 300 kt/a acetic acid plant,plug valves with plain PTFE linings in self-recycling lines of synthetic reactors are often damaged.After analysis,five reasons are found as follows: the phenomenon of cold flow causes falling of linings,the operation on site causes misplacement of linings,the half-opened and half-closed situation causes the transformation of linings,the heat expansion of linings the valve plugs fall off during the process of rotation,raising temperature causes mechanic performance reduction.Through a further analysis,two solutions are worked out including replacing the prior plain PTFE linings with T475 and changing the interior structure of plug valves.[著者文摘]

Key words:Acetic acid; Valves; PTFE lining; Damage; Settlement


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