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发表于 2012-6-24 06:49:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
刘旌平 张贤灵 张敬平 郭汉洋 张李晶上海电缆研究所,上海200093

摘 要:对辐照交联乙烯四氟乙烯绝缘电线在不同条件下进行了后处理,并对后处理后的样品进行物理机械性能和热性能的试验,发现在真空环境中与在空气环境中进行后处理对样品主要性能的影响基本相同。在120℃、160℃、200℃下不同时间处理的结果显示,较低温度长时间后处理与较高温度短时间后处理可以认为是等效的。[著者文摘]

关键词:乙烯四氟乙烯 电线 辐照 交联 后处理
分类号: TM246.9[著者标引]文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-6901(2010)06-0004-04栏目信息:线缆产品
相关文献:主题相关 全文快照   

Selection of the Processing Conditions for the After-Treatment of Irradiated Ethylene-Tetrafluoroethylene Insulated WiresLIU Jing-ping,et alShanghai Electrical Cable Research Institute,Shanghai 200093,ChinaAbstract:The irradiated ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene insulated wires were after-treated under different conditions.Mechanical and thermal tests were conducted on the samples of the after treated products.The results showed that the main characteristics of the products after-treated in vacuum were nearly the same as those of the products after-treated in air.The results of the treatments at 120℃,160℃ and 200℃ indicated that the effect of the treatment at low tem-perature for long time can be regarded as equal to that of the treatment at high temperature for short time.[著者文摘]

Key words:ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene; wire; irradiation; crosslinking; after-treatment


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