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    发表于 2012-6-25 19:51:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    陈宝书 栾道成 魏倩 徐涛 赵正平西华大学材料科学与工程学院,成都610039

    摘 要:采用成型压力35MPa,压制时间15min,升温速率60℃/h,烧结温度330℃保温1h,375℃保温2h的制备工艺得到PTFE/纳米CaCO3复合材料,并研究了其力学性能。实验结果表明:加入纳米CaCO3显著提高了复合材料的弹性模量、断裂伸长率和冲击强度,最后对冷压烧结成型聚四氟乙烯制品的质量进行了分析。[著者文摘]

    关键词:聚四氟乙烯 纳米碳酸钙 冷压烧结 力学性能
    分类号: TQ325.14[机标]文献标识码:文章编号:栏目信息:开发应用
    相关文献:主题相关 全文快照   

    Study on the preparation and properties of PTFE/nano-CaCO_3 compositesChen Baoshu Luan Daocheng Wei Qian Xu Tao Zhao Zhengping School of Materials and Engineering,Xihua University,Chengdu 610039Abstract:The suitable molding pressing force of PTFE in this experiment was 35MPa,the time of pressing was 15 minutes,the sintering temperature was 375℃ with the heating rate controlled within 60℃ per hour,and respectively insulated hold time was 1 hour at 330℃ and 2 hour at 375℃.The mechanical properties of the composites were studied by tests.The results showed that nano-CaCO3 had important effect on the improvement of the elastic modular,elongation at break and impact strength of PTFE.Finally,the qualities of PTFE products in the molding of cold-press-sintering were analyzed.[著者文摘]

    Key words: PTFE; nano-CaCO3; pressing and sintering; mechanical property


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