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发表于 2012-7-4 21:46:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
侯宝花[1] 查庆芳[1] 李光科[2] 郭燕生[1] 李士斌[1][1]中国石油大学,重质油国家重点实验室,山东东营257061 [2]中国石油大学,石大胜华化工股份有限公司,山东东营257061

摘 要:利用树脂基复合材料制造的各种减摩耐磨零件,在机械工程中作为金属材料的替代产品或换代产品,获得了越来越多的应用。文中对通过在沥青树脂中添加聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)、二硫化钨(WS2)、石墨(GP)等固体润滑剂的复合物摩擦磨损性能进行了讨论。分别添加了一定比例的PTFE、WS2、GP的沥青树脂复合材料的磨损率是0.02~0.25×10^-7cm^3N^-1m^-1。其中加入40wt%GP的沥青树脂复合物的磨损率最低,为0.02×10^-7cm^3N^-1m^-1。这些复合材料的摩擦系数肛比纯沥青树脂下降了0.014-0.180。[著者文摘]

关键词:沥青树脂 二硫化钨 石墨 聚四氟乙烯 摩擦磨损
分类号: TB332[著者标引]文献标识码:A文章编号:1001-8948(2009)01-0022-06栏目信息:实验研究
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STUDY OF FRICTION--WEAR PROPERTIES OF PITCH RESIN COMPOSITESHou Bao-hua ,Zha Qing-fang ,Li Guang-ke,Guo Yan-sheng ,Li Shi-bin 1. State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing,China University of Petroleum,Dongying257061,China; 2. China University of Petroleum,Shida Shenghua Chemical Co. ,Ltd,Shandong Dongying257061,ChinaAbstract:Various antifriction parts made from resin based composites has achieved popular applications in mechanical engineering as substitute or upgrading products for metal materials. The frictional-wear performances of pitch resin blended with WS2,graphite,and PTFE etc were investigated,respectively,in this paper. The range of wear rates of pitch resin composites blended with PTFE,WS2,and GP is 0.02-0.25×10^-7cm^3N^-1m^-1. And the wear rate of 40wt% GP pitch resin composite is the lowest which is 0.02× 10^-7 cm^3N^-1m^-1. The frictional coefficients μ of pitch resin composites are reduced of 0. 014-0. 180 comparingwith pure pitch resins.[著者文摘]

Key words:pitch resin ; WS2 ; GP ; PTFE ; frictional- wear performance


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