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    发表于 2012-7-15 14:22:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    曾本忠 四川大学化学工程学院,成都610065

    摘 要:介绍了含四氟乙烯的不凝性尾气中,对四氟乙烯采用一种不含CFC-113的复合溶剂回收方法。以前四氟乙烯尾气回收工艺普遍采用CFC-113作为溶剂对四氟乙烯进行回收,但由于CFC-113为淘汰使用的溶剂,必须寻求新的溶剂对该尾气进行处理。实验发现,新型的复合溶剂对四氟乙烯具有良好的溶解选择性,采用该溶剂对含四氟乙烯的尾气进行回收,四氟乙烯回收率大于90%,纯度大于96%。[著者文摘]

    关键词:四氟乙烯 尾气回收 替代溶剂 应用
    分类号: TQ222.423 TS224.4[机标]文献标识码:文章编号:栏目信息:开发应用
    相关文献:主题相关 全文快照   

    Application of alternative solvent in recovery processes of tail gases with TFEZeng Benzhong The Chemical Engineering College, Sichuan University,Chengdu 610065Abstract:Introduces the recovery methods of tetrafluoroethylene (rIFE) in non-condensable tail gases with TFE by using a composite solvent without CFC-113. The TFE was generally recovered by CFC-113 as a solvent in former recovery processes of the tail gases. Because CFC-113 was a restricted solvent, new solvents must be sought out for treating the tail gases. By means of tests, it was found that the new composite solvent had the excellent dissolving selectivity to TFE. The solvent being used for recovering TFE from the tail gases, the recovery rates of TFE was more than 90% and the purity of TFE was more than 96%.[著者文摘]

    Key words:TFE, tail gas recovery, alternative solvent, application
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