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发表于 2012-10-11 18:58:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
曲学延[1] 曲学炜[1] 汪建国[1] 杜晓岩[1] 闫海明[2][1]佳木斯大学附属第二医院,黑龙江佳木斯154002 [2]佳木斯大学校医院,黑龙江佳木斯154007

摘 要:目的:介绍膨体聚四氟乙烯(ePTFE)行隆鼻术的临床体会。方法:于鼻小柱设计"V"形切口,分离后掀起鼻小柱皮瓣,用特制的剥离器沿鼻骨于鼻背筋膜下分离腔隙,用蚊式钳在鼻小柱贴鼻翼软骨内侧前面向下分离至鼻前棘。将雕刻好的膨体聚四氟乙烯假体用假体置入钳置入。结果:本组62例患者,1例患者术后因局部碰伤出现鼻背歪斜,行二次手术,术后满意。3例患者术后发现鼻背部有轻度不对称,经手法按压得到矫正。其他58例患者术后均较满意。结论:ePTFE作为隆鼻材料,术后不易发生移位,弧度自然,不透光,不随冷热温度变化,稳定性佳而且术后肿胀程度轻,恢复期短,是比较理想的鼻整形材料。[著者文摘]
关键词:膨体聚四氟乙烯 隆鼻术

To introduce the turgor body of ptfe (ePTFE) line of clinical experience hump nose surgeryQU Xue -yan ,QU Xue - wei ,WANG Jian - guo ,DU Xiao - yan , YAN Hai - ming 1. Stomatology college of jiamusi University, Jiamusi 154002,China ; 2. Hospital of Jiarnusi University, Jiarnusi 154007, ChinaAbstract:Objective:To introduce the turgor body of ptfe (ePTFE) line of clinical experience hump nose surgery. Methods:In the columellar design "V" shaped cutout, a separate the columellar flap, with special strip- ping along the nasal bones in the nose back muscle membrane separation under cavity gap, with mosquitoes type pliers in the columellar stick nose down in front of the cartilage separation to the nose. Will carved with false turgot body into the clamp. Results:Of 62 patients, 1 patient had the dorsal skewed for local bruising. Postop- erative satisfaction was met, following the second surgery. Three patients had found back of the nose slightly asymmetric, get corrected by the gimmick press. Other 58 patients had the satisfaction. Conclusion:As the ma- terial for hump nose, ePTFE is not easy to shift after operation, and natural radian, not pervious to light, and immune to temperature change, more stable and slightly swollen after operation. Its recovery time is short, and it can serve as an ideal material for rhinoplasty.[著者文摘]
Key words:introduce the turgot body of ptfe(ePTFE) ;hump nose surgery


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