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发表于 2012-10-15 18:34:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Simulation of Behavior for Sliding Bearings in  Continuous Girder Bridge

作  者:钟栋青[1] 吴发红[2]

ZHONG Dong-qing, WU Fa-hong (1 School of materials engineering,Yaneheng Institute of Teehnology,Jiangsu Yancheng 224051,China;2  School of Civil engineering, Yancheng Institute of Technology,Jiangsu Yancheng 224051 ,China)

机构地区:[1]盐城工学院材料学院,江苏盐城224051 [2]盐城工学院土木工程学院,江苏盐城224051

出  处:《盐城工学院学报:自然科学版》 CAS 2008年第21卷第3期 41-44页,53页,共5页

Journal of Yancheng Institute of Technology(Natural Science Edition)

摘  要:通过借助于SAP2000有限元分析软件,对连续梁桥上设置的滑移支座(聚四氟乙烯支座),采用常用的3种非线性连接单元进行模拟:水平非线性弹簧单元、Wen塑性单元以及摩擦板单元。首先,简单介绍了3种单元的特性,然后以某地区四跨连续梁桥结构为例,对滑移支座分别采用以上3种连接单元进行非线性时程分析,对其分析结果进行对比,为今后桥梁支座的分析提供参考。

This paper analysing a software by the aid of SAP2000 finite element method, adopt 3 kinds nonlinearity link element in common use to carry out a simulation to the sliding bearings on continuous girder bridge (teflon bearing) :Level nonlinearity spring element,Wen plasticity element and sliding board element. Firstly, the property of 3 kinds elements is introduced simply. Secondly, by taking a four - span continuous girder bridge in some area as an example, the sliding bearing adopts the above 3 kinds link element to carry out nonlinearity time history analysis respectively, contrast on it's analytical result , the bridge bearing analysis provides a reference to the days to come.

关 键 词:连续梁桥 滑移支座 聚四氟乙烯支座 非线性时程分析
continuous girder bridges, sliding bearing, teflon bearing, nonlinear time history analysis
分 类 号:TU311.2 [工业技术 > 建筑科学 > 建筑结构 > 结构理论、计算 > 结构力学]

参考文献作者在撰写文献时引用的其他文献,反映本文的背景或依据。 (5篇)[1]范立础 王志强.桥梁减隔震设计[M].北京:人民交通出版社,2001..
[2]叶爱君 胡世德 等.桥梁支座抗震性能的模拟分析[J].同济大学学报:自然科学版,:.
[3]李建中 廖元裳.桥梁的减震设计与分析[J].桥梁建设,:.
[4][4]Computers and Structures Inc.Sap2000 analysis reference manual[Z].Berkley,2002.


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