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    发表于 2012-10-18 19:28:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    何方波 陈斌 梁琨 刘蕊西安建筑科技大学理学院,陕西西安710055

    摘 要:通过正交试验,得出碳钢上电沉积Ni-W-PTFE复合镀层的镀液最佳配比为:50g,LNiSO4·6H2O,50g,LNa2WO4·2H2O,35扎NiCl2-6H20,40mL/LPTFE乳液。对在此条件下电沉积的复合镀层进行能谱分析,得到镀层的成分为:镍83.01‰钨11.21%,碳5.19%,氟0.58%。镀层金相组织均匀,摩擦因数为0.16,在盐酸-硫酸混合溶液中的腐蚀速率为4.9g/(m^2·h)。[著者文摘]

    关键词:碳钢 镍-钨合金 聚四氟乙烯 复合电沉积 正交试验 耐蚀性 摩擦学
    分类号: TQ153.2[著者标引]文献标识码:A文章编号:1004-227X(2008)09-0004-03栏目信息:电镀
    相关文献:主题相关 全文快照   

    Optimization on the process of Ni-W-PTFE composite plating through orthogonal testHE Fang-bo, CHEN Bin, LIANG Kun, LIU RuiXi'an University of Architecture & Technology, Xi'an 710055, ChinaAbstract:The optimal formulation for electrodeposition of Ni-W-PTFE composite coating on carbon steel was obtained by orthogonal test: 50 g/L NiSO4·6H2O, 50 g/L Na2WO4·2H2O, 35 g/L NiC12.6H2O, and 40 mL/L PTFE emulsion. The composite coating electrodeposited under the optimal conditions was analyzed by energy-dispersive spectroscopy. The composite coating is composed of 83.01% Ni, 11.21% W, 5.19% C, and 0.58% F. The coating has homogeneous metallographic structure with a friction factor of 0.16 as well as a corrosion rate of 4.9 g/(m^2·h) in a mixed hydrochloric and sulfuric acid solution.[著者文摘]

    Key words:carbon steel; nickel-tungsten alloy; polytetrafluoroethylene; composite electrodeposition; orthogonal test; corrosion resistance; tribology


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