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    发表于 2012-10-18 19:41:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    The Effect of PTFE Latex on the Tribological Performance of the Green Water-based Lubricant

    作  者:刘建芳 顾卡丽 李健

    Liu Jianfang1 Gu Kali2 Li Jian2(1.Biotechnology and Pharmacy Engineering Department; Wuhan Polytechnic University; Wuhan Hubei 430023; China; 2.Wuhan Research Institute of Materials Protection; Wuhan Hubei 430030; China);

    机构地区:武汉工业学院生物与制药工程系 武汉材料保护研究所摩擦学研究室 武汉材料保护研究所摩擦学研究室 湖北武汉 湖北武汉

    出  处:《润滑与密封》 CAS CSCD 2008年第2期 -页,共3页

    Lubrication Engineering

    摘  要:将聚四氟乙烯乳液作为绿色水基润滑剂的润滑性能改进剂,通过四球试验机和销盘磨损试验机考察了绿色水基润滑剂M与聚四氟乙烯乳液(具有亲水性)复配后的抗磨减摩性能,并分析其作用机制。结果表明:水基润滑剂M与聚四氟乙烯乳液具有良好的协同效应;聚四氟乙烯乳液在摩擦过程中具有良好的抗磨减摩作用,可使绿色水基润滑剂M的承载能力增加41%,磨斑直径减少2.2%;聚四氟乙烯乳液在摩擦过程中可能起到磨屑抛光作用。

    PTFE latex was used as the lubrication modifier of the green water-based lubricant.By the four-ball tribotester and the pin-on-disk abrasion tester,the anti-wear and friction-resistant performance and the displacement abrasion of the green water-based lubricant M mixing PTFE latex(having hydrophilic character) have been researched.And the mechanism of action was analyzed.The result showed the green water-based lubricant M and PTFE latex are provided with excellent cooperation effect,and PTFE latex took on t...

    关 键 词:绿色水基润滑剂 聚四氟乙烯乳液 磨屑 抛光 抗磨减摩
    green water-baed lubricant PTFE latex abrading debris polishing anti-wear and friction-resistant
    分 类 号:TH117.22 [工业技术 > 机械、仪表工业 > 机械学(机械设计基础理论) > 机械摩擦、磨损与润滑 > 润滑]

    参考文献作者在撰写文献时引用的其他文献,反映本文的背景或依据。 (6篇)[1][1]A Fessenbecker,I Rohrs,R Pegllolou.Additives for environmentally acceptable lubricant[J].NLGI Spokesman,1996,60(6):9-25.
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