春天来了 发表于 2013-12-8 18:47:31

what a coincidence!好巧!
we've been expecting you.我们正等着你呢
we're all for it我们全都赞成
we'll find out shortly我们很快就知道了
we'll discuss it later回头再说吧

春天来了 发表于 2013-12-8 18:47:57

1.You look great! 你看上去很精神

2.How's your business going? 你的生意怎么样?

3.How's everything going? 一切都好吗?

4.So far so good 到目前为止还不错
what a coincidence!好巧!
we've been expecting you.我们正等着你呢
we're all for it我们全都赞成
we'll find out shortly我们很快就知道了
we'll discuss it later回头再说吧

5.Let's keep in touch 让我们保持联系

春天来了 发表于 2013-12-8 18:48:10

it's no trouble一点也不麻烦
it's no use没有用!
it's no joke这可不是开玩笑的事
it's out of stock没货了
it's Greek to me我完全不懂

春天来了 发表于 2013-12-8 18:48:21

know what i mean?明白我的意思吗?
let it be!随他去吧
keep at it干下去
let bygones be bygones过去的就让它过去吧
leave me alone!离我远点

春天来了 发表于 2013-12-8 18:48:35

let's change the subject换个话题吧
let me think让我想想
let me go让我走!
it's worth a try值得一试
just a moment稍等一下

春天来了 发表于 2013-12-8 18:48:46

i'm with you   我支持你
if i were you,.....如果我是你的话....
if you don't mind,.....如果你不介意的话....
if you say so!既然你这么说
i've got it我懂了

春天来了 发表于 2013-12-8 18:48:55

Don't shy ,just try.不要害羞,尽管尝试
It's a piece of cake.小菜一碟
That's great.好极了
It's my pleasure.真是我的荣幸
May you succeed!祝你成功!

春天来了 发表于 2013-12-8 18:49:04

A fat kitchen ,a lean will 食物越肥美,意志越薄弱

Eat to live ,and not live to eat 为活而吃,不要为吃而活

Admiration is the daughter of ignorance崇拜源于无知

Eat not to dullness ,drink not to elevation 吃饭不要吃撑,喝酒不要喝醉

Fools make feasts and wise men eat them傻瓜办筵席,智者负责吃

Blessed is he that expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed


春天来了 发表于 2013-12-8 18:49:13

i'm only teasing you我只是跟你闹着玩的
i'm not that bad我没那么差吧
i'm not sure yet我还不确定
i'm just passing through我只是路过而已
i'm itching for this我真的很想要

春天来了 发表于 2013-12-8 18:49:24

What’s up?有什么新鲜事吗?
Get out of my face!离远一点,别烦我!
Knock it off!停止!
Drive me nuts把我逼疯了
Gag me!真令我恶心!

春天来了 发表于 2013-12-8 18:49:37

1.This mealis my treat ,so put your money away.
2.I am not really sure.
3.It won't make much difference whether you go today or tomorrow?
   你今天去也好, 明天去也好, 关系不大.
4.Hold your horses.We don't have to rush to the shop now,it's open till late tonight.
5.I'm so tiredi could sleep for a whole day.

春天来了 发表于 2013-12-8 18:49:46

want a wonder好奇怪呀!
want an idea!多怪的念头!
watch my money视财如命
watch your step留神脚下!
we are even我们扯平了.

春天来了 发表于 2013-12-8 18:50:00

you must be joking你在开玩笑
you never know!天知道
whatever you say随你便
what's the purpose你有什么目的
what's so funny?什么那么好笑?

春天来了 发表于 2013-12-8 18:50:07

Have a crush on someone 爱上某人
What the heck is this?这到底是什么?
Have a heart有点良心,发发善心
Save it!省省吧!
Spare me! 饶了我吧!

春天来了 发表于 2013-12-8 18:50:18

same as ever一如如常
nothing to it!不会出事的
pls be reasonable!要讲道理的呀
right you are对!
right this way这边请
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