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    发表于 2012-6-13 21:56:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    Heparin immobilization on the surface of expanded polytetrafluoroethylene vascular grafts and its anticoagulation effect with replacement of canine inferior vena cava
    作  者:张明 刘长建 刘晨 乔彤

    Zhang Ming, Liu Chang-jian, Liu Chen, Qiao Tong Department of Vascular Surgery, Gulou Hospital of Nanjing City, Nanjing University Medical School, Nanjing 210008, Jiangsu Province, China


    出  处:《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》 CA CSCD 2011年第15卷第47期 8833-8836页,共4页

    Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research

    基  金:南京市卫生局科研课题项目(YKK0442),课题名称:血管腔内材料表面肝素固化的研究~~

    摘  要:背景:各种类型人工血管植入机体静脉后,由于血液与人工血管材料表面的不相容性和静脉内血流慢、压力低等原因,极易导致血管腔内血栓形成。目的:观察膨体聚四氟乙烯人工血管表面固化肝素后代替犬下腔静脉的表面抗凝血性能和长期通畅效果。方法:将壳聚糖分子中引入光敏基团后,通过光化学固定至膨体聚四氟乙烯材料表面,在酸性条件下将肝素以离子键形式接枝到壳聚糖上,在膨体聚四氟乙烯人工血管表面形成光滑的肝素层。以固化肝素的膨体聚四氟乙烯人工血管与未处理膨体聚四氟乙烯人工血管间置代替犬下腔静脉,检测其抗凝血性能。结果与结论:固化肝素的膨体聚四氟乙烯人工血管植入后2周、1个月人工血管内壁光滑,仅有少量附壁血栓形成,无充盈缺损,吻合口无狭窄,通畅率达100%;未处理膨体聚四氟乙烯人工血管植入后1周即显示人工血管内附有大量血栓成分,完全堵塞,形成丰富的侧枝。说明固化肝素膨体聚四氟乙烯人工血管是一种理想的下腔静脉替代物。

    BACKGROUND: After various types of vein grafts are implanted in the body, due to the incompatibility of blood vessels with artificial surface and slow venous blood flow, low pressure, it is easy to lead to intravascular thrombosis OBJECTIVE: To study a new way to immobilize the heparin molecule on the expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) graft’s surface and to evaluate its anticoagulation effect by replacing the canine inferior vena cava. METHODS: Chitosan molecule with photoallergic radical was firstly immobilized to the surface of ePTFE graft, secondly heparin was immobilized to the chitosan molecule under acid condition. Thus the ePTFE graft’ surface was immobilized with a layer of heparin molecule. Local canines’ vena cava was replaced with control and experiment ePTFE grafts. Angiography from the femoral vein and scanning electron microscope (SEM) observation were performed. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: All canines’ vena cava which was replaced with untreated ePTFE grafts was thrombosed since the first week after operation, while the canines’ vena cava which was replaced with ePTFE grafts immobilized with heparin kept unobstructed until the fourth week after operation. SEM observation found that mass of platelets, red blood cells and fibrin deposited on the untreated grafts’ surface, while seldom blood components could be observed on the grafts’ surface which were immobilized with heparin. ePTFE graft which surface is immobilized with heparin has an excellent anticoagulant ability, and it is an ideal venous graft in clinical usage.

    关键词:膨体聚四氟乙烯(ePTFE) 肝素 人工血管 下腔静脉 抗凝血性
    分类号:R318 [医药、卫生 > 基础医学 > 医用一般科学]

    全文快照:-:H0pa rIn liTlInobiIizati()f1 OIl the sLI rface of仑xpanded polyte£|_afIuoroe chyIene Vascu【a r 9i a'l二【fs afldits a11tIcoaguIati011 effect with replacefTlent of caI]ine infe rior Vena caVaBAC}(GROUND触er va—Ous types 0f veinrafts are impIanted in the bOd yl due tO the incOmpat_biIity 0f b100d vessels w_tharti啊cial surface and s10w venOus bIOOd们Ow,IOw pressure,It is easy tO lead tO intravascuIar thrOmbOsisOBJECTlvE’To study a new way to immob_lize the hepa rIn moIecuIe on the expanded p0Iytetra啊uoroethyIene(ePTFE)graft’ssurface and tO evafuate its antjcOaquIatiOn e仟ect by replacing the canine


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