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发表于 2012-10-11 19:13:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
徐田慧[1] 郭荣如[2] 陈旭炜[1] 李毓陵[1] 杜卫平[3][1]东华大学纺织学院,上海201620 [2]常州三毛纺织集团有限公司,常州213004 [3]上海纺织集团有限公司技术中心,上海200336

摘 要:化学防护服是消防员进入化学毒剂和化学危险物品和腐蚀性物品火灾或事故现场进行灭火战斗时必须穿着的个人防护装备。选择聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)薄膜在聚苯硫醚(PPS)织物表面覆膜,以求涂层后织物达到一定的耐化学品渗透性能。先将混有硅烷偶联剂的PTFE乳液处理PPS织物表面,并形成一层牢固的高分子改性膜;进而将PTFE薄膜覆在改性后PPS织物表面,进行热压复合;最后按照GA 770—2008标准对外层面料要求,测试涂层织物的基本力学性能以及阻燃性。耐化学品渗透试验按照EN 374标准进行。测试结果表明,涂层织物的阻燃测试和耐化学品渗透性能均符合GA 770—2008标准的要求。[著者文摘]
关键词:化学防护服 涂层 聚苯硫醚织物 聚四氟乙烯薄膜 硅烷偶联剂 耐化学品渗透

Research and development on the coated fabric based on thefabrics of fibrefighter' chemical protective clothingXu Tianhui,Guo Rongru,Chen Xuwei,Li Yuling,Du Weiping1.College of Textiles,Donghua University;2.Changzhou No.3 Worsted Textile Group Go.,Ltd.; 3.Shanghai Textile Group Co,Ltd.Abstract:Chemical protective clothing is a kind of clothes which the firefighter must put on when they approach to the scene of the fire or accidents,in order to protect people from chemical agent or corrosive things.This topic is mainly about the research on the coating fabric of PPS,in order to obtain the ability of resistance to permeation by chemical.PTFE emulsion mixed with silane coupling agent is used to process the surface of PPS fabrics,and a layer of polymer modification membrane is formed.After that,PTFE film is hot-pressed on the surface of modified PPS fabrics.According to the requirements of GA 770—2008,the basic mechanical properties of the coating fabric have been tested,as well as flame retardancy.EN 374 is used for the determination of resistance to permeation by chemical.The results of flame retardant and resistance to permeation meet the requirements of GA 770—2008.[著者文摘]
Key words:chemical protective clothing; coating; PPS fabric; PTFE film; silane coupling agent; resistance to permeation by chemical


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