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    发表于 2012-10-13 14:47:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    Application of PVDF sensors in shock wave measurement of near zone of explosion
    作  者:任新见[1,2] 陈虎林[3]

    REN Xin-jian1,2,CHEN Hu-lin3(1.State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,China; 2.The Third Engineer Scientific Research Institute,the Headquarter of the General Staff PLA,Luoyang,471023,China; 3.China Airborne Missle Academy,Luoyang 471009,China)

    机构地区:[1]北京理工大学爆炸科学与技术国家重点试验室,北京100081 [2]总参工程兵科研三所,河南洛阳471023 [3]中国空空导弹研究院,河南洛阳471009

    出  处:《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 2012年第31卷第12期 146-149页,共4页

    Journal of Vibration and Shock

    基  金:国家973计划项目(2006CB61200)

    摘  要:凝聚相炸药爆炸产生强冲击波、电磁脉冲和光热效应,爆炸近区测试环境非常复杂,常规压阻式硅压力传感器难于满足测试要求。为准确测量装药近区爆炸参数给工程防护结构的爆炸毁伤评估提供参考依据,基于PVDF压电薄膜制作压力传感器,采用分离式霍普金森压杆(SHPB)对自制传感器进行标定;进行TNT化爆试验对自制PVDF传感器测试效果进行考核,并提取试验结果与AutoDyn软件计算结果进行比较。对比表明:测量值与计算值偏差小于10%,爆炸近区超压的试验测量可采用防干扰处理后的PVDF压电传感器解决。

    Strong shock wave,electro-magnetic pulse and light-heat effect occur when condensational explosive explodes.Measurement circumstance is formidable in near zone of explosion.Conventional piezo-resistance silicon sensors can’t meet the measurement demand.In order to get the detonation parameters of the near zone of explosion and provide reference values for explosion damage assessment on protective structures,PVDF piezo-electric sensors were made and calibrated with a SHPB.The test of TNT explosion was conducted to examine the validity of the sensors.The difference between test data and calculations with AutoDyn was less than 10%.It was shown that a self-made PVDF piezo-electric sensor after anti-interference treatment is suitable for measurement of shock wave in near zone of explosion.

    关 键 词:PVDF SHPB 爆炸近区 冲击波 压电常数
    PVDF SHPB near zone of explosion shock wave piezo-electric constant
    分 类 号:O383 [数理科学和化学 > 力学 > 爆炸力学]

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