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[应用分享] 特氟龙制品于其他工业中的应用

发表于 2008-8-1 23:09:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
特氟龙制品于其他工业中的应用【Teflon products in other industries of】

虽然特氟龙的涂装得到广泛的应用,但我们深知还有不被发现的使用价值,它应用的灵活性使得它能用于几乎所有形状和大小的产品上,这些简单的介绍使您能了解特氟龙与您产品和生产之间的关联性,让我们与您分享在氟涂料涂装应用领域的经验以帮助您更好地提升产品的附加价值。【Although the Teflon coating is widely applied, but we know very well that there will not be found useful, it makes it of the flexibility for almost all shape and size of the products, these brief introduction to your Teflon and understand your product and production between the relevance, let us share with you in the fluorine coating experience in the field of application of paint to help you better raise the value-added products.】

自动分析仪器部件易清洁使用特氟龙【Auto parts of the instruments easy to clean use of Teflon】
手套模具防粘使用特氟龙【Die Fangnian the use of Teflon gloves】  

紧固件防锈蚀使用特氟龙【Fasteners anti-corrosion use Teflon】
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