Preparation and Performance of PTFE and Carbon Black Fiber
作 者:潘琪 李敏 王朝生
PAN Qi , LI Min , WANG Chao -sheng ( School of Materials Science and Engineering , Danghua University , Shangshai 200237 , China)
出 处:《河南化工》 CA 2011年第21期 44-46页,共3页
Henan Chemical Industry
摘 要:对炭黑(CB)改性聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)纤维进行了研究描述,将炭黑加入聚四氟乙烯制成纤维,能增加其导电性。试验表明,加入炭黑降低了聚四氟乙烯的储能模量和转化的温度。导电PTFE/CB保持了疏水性的特点。含约5%(质量分数)炭黑的聚四氟乙烯纤维的电阻率约可达到(1.963±0.389)×106Ω.m。扫描电镜结果表明炭黑粒子在聚四氟乙烯微纤维之间的分布相当均匀,而且往往会沿微纤维的方向发展形成面状网络。
Polytetrafluoroethylene ( PTFE ) fiber modified with carbon black is studied, the carbon black (CB) was introduced into the PTFE fiber to increase conductivity. The result shows, adding CB loweres storage modulus and transition temperature of PTFE. The conductive PTFE/CB kept the hydrophobic characteristic of pure PTFE . Electrical resistivity of PTFE with about 5 % CB could reach ( 1 . 9 6 3 ±0. 389) × 10^6 Ω m. SEM result shows, CB particles form fairly uniform distribution among the PTFE microfibers and are tend to form oriented network along them.
关键词:聚四氟乙烯 炭黑 导电性
PTFE ; carbon black ; conductivity ;
分类号:TQ325.4 [工业技术 > 化学工业 > 合成树脂与塑料工业 > 聚合类树脂及塑料]
全文快照:and Perfl0rmance 0f PTFE and Carbon Black Fiber PAN Qi,LI Min,WANG Chao—sheng (School of Materials Science and Engineering,Danghua University,Shangshai 200237,China) Abstract:Polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE )fiber modified with carbon black is studied.the carb0n black (CB)was introduced into the PTFE fiber to increase conductivity.The result shows.adding CB loweres storage modulus and transition temperature of PTFE. |