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    发表于 2012-10-13 13:53:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    Preparation and Performance of PTEF/Al Reactive Materials

    作  者:阳世清 徐松林 张彤

    YANG Shi-qing, XU Song-fin, ZHANG Tong (College of Aerospace and Material Engineering, National Univ. of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China)


    出  处:《国防科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 2008年第30卷第6期 39-42页,62页,共5页

    Journal of National University of Defense Technology

    摘  要:氟聚物基反应材料是一种主要由氟聚物和金属填料组成的亚稳态含能复合材料,也是近年来国外研究报道较多的一种新型含能材料。采用冷压、热烧结法制备了PTFE/Al反应材料,测试了其理化性能、热分解性能和力学性能,在此基础上,进一步研究了压制成型和烧结工艺参数。

    The fluoropolymer-based reactive material is a kind of sub-stable energetic composites which contain metal powders, fluoropolymer and fillings. It is also a new kind of energetic material widely reported in recent years. In this paper, the PTFE/Al reactive material was prepared by using the cold press and hot sinter method. The physicochemical performance and mechanical property of FTFE/Al were studied, and the pressing and sintering technical parameters were optimized.

    关 键 词:反应材料 PTFE Al 制备 性能
    reactive materials FIFE Al preparation performance
    分 类 号:TQ325.4 [工业技术 > 化学工业 > 合成树脂与塑料工业 > 聚合类树脂及塑料] TB33 [工业技术 > 一般工业技术 > 工程材料学]

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