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    发表于 2012-10-13 13:57:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    Research of the Influence Factors of the Friction Coefficient between PTFE and Stainless Steel Plate of FPE

    作  者:曾聪[1] 陶忠[1] 潘文[1] 张志强[2]

    Zeng Coring , Tao Zhong , Pan Wen , Zhang Zhi-qiang (1. Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650233, China ; 2. Earthquake Science Institute of Yunnan Province, Kunming 650233, China )

    机构地区:[1]昆明理工大学工程抗震研究所,云南昆明650233 [2]云南省地震科学研究院,云南昆明650233

    出  处:《工程抗震与加固改造》 2009年第31卷第1期 58-63页,共6页

    Earthquake Resistant Engineering and Retrofitting

    基  金:云南省社会发展专项基金(2007CA002)

    摘  要:介绍了摩擦滑移支座中聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)与不锈钢板之间摩擦系数的主要影响因素。指出正压力、滑移速度、环境温度以及润滑剂的使用都对PTFE-不锈钢接触面的摩擦系数有明显影响。并通过现场试验,得出摩擦滑移橡胶支座接触面之间的摩擦系数,根据试验结果回归给出了动摩擦系数的计算公式,并初步验证了摩擦系数与正压力以及润滑剂使用之间的关系。

    The main factors that influent the friction coefficient of FPE interface between PTFE and stainless steel plate are introduced in this paper. And the conclusions that direct pressure, sliding velocity, air temperature and lubricant all played important roles to the friction coefficient of FPE are obtained. A field experiment is carried out, friction coefficient of sliding bearings is indicated, and according to the test data, formula of dynamical friction coefficient is regressed. Furthermore, relationship between direct pressure and use of lubricant are preliminarily validated.

    关 键 词:摩擦滑移支座 PTFE-不锈钢 摩擦系数 正压力 滑移速度 环境温度 润滑剂
    FPE PTFE-stainless steel friction coefficient direct pressure sliding velocity air temperature lubricant
    分 类 号:TU352.1 [工业技术 > 建筑科学 > 建筑结构 > 特种结构 > 抗震动结构、防灾结构]

    参考文献作者在撰写文献时引用的其他文献,反映本文的背景或依据。 (5篇)[1]Masahiko Higashino. Basic Characteristics and Durability of Low-Friction Sliding Bearings for Base Isolation
    [2]Bowden F P and Tabor D. The friction and lubrication of solids[ M ] . Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1954
    [3]DOLCE M. Frictional Behavior of Steel-PTFE Interfaces for Seismic Isolation
    [4]Daniel Fenz. Frictional Prpperties of Non-metallic Materials for Use in Sliding Bearing: An experimental Study
    [5]Hiroki Hamaguchi. Development of Low-Friction Factor Sliding Isolation Device


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