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发表于 2012-10-13 14:56:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Investigation on Poling and Electric Properties of PVDF Films

作  者:叶芸[1] 郭太良[1] 蒋亚东[2] 黎威智[2]

YE Yun, GUO Tai-liang, JIANG Ya-dong, and LI Wei-zhi (1. College of Physics and Telecommunication Engineering, Fuzhou University Fuzhou 350002; 2. State Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films and Integrated Devices, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Chengdu 610054)

机构地区:[1]福州大学物理与信息工程学院,福州350002 [2]电子科技大学电子薄膜与集成器件国家重点实验室,成都610054

出  处:《电子科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 2012年第41卷第3期 463-466页,共4页

Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

基  金:国家杰出青年基金(60425101); 国家重点实验室开发课题(KFJJ200916); 福建省科技厅项目(2009J05145)

摘  要:利用傅里叶红外光谱(FTIR)、示差扫描量热分析(DSC)、电滞回线和漏电流的分析,研究热极化和电晕极化对PVDF薄膜电性能的影响。结果表明,热极化和电晕极化都可以提高PVDF薄膜的铁电性能,但是不同的极化温度、极化电场强度和极化时间使得PVDF薄膜具有不同的漏电流性能。在强电场作用下,热极化的温度更高,时间更长,偶极电荷的沿电场取向更完全,晶型向晶型的转变更彻底,因此剩余极化值、结晶度和晶型的含量均高于电晕极化后的薄膜。热极化中注入的空间电荷主要被PVDF的深阱俘获;而电晕极化过程中大量的空间电荷被聚合物材料的浅阱俘获。浅阱俘获的空间电荷稳定性要弱于深阱中的电荷,因此电晕极化的PVDF薄膜的漏电流需要更长的稳定时间。

In this paper, the influence of thermally poling and corona charging on electric properties of PVDF films was investigated by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), ferroelectric hysteresis loops and leakage current measurement. The results showed that the ferroelectric properties of PVDF films were both improved by thermally poling and corona charging, but the leakage properties of PVDF films were distinct due to different poling temperatures, poling electric fields and poling times. With the effect of high electric field at high temperature in thermally poling, the dipoles were oriented along the direction of electric field completely, which caused more polar 13 crystalline transited from non-polar a crystalline. So it was found that the crystalline degree, 13 crystalline content and remanent polarization of thermally poled PVDF films were higher than those of corona charged PVDF films. The reason that caused leakage current was also analyzed. The space charges injected during the poling process were stored in the shallow traps of PVDF films for corona poling and in the deep traps for thermally poling, respectively. Therefore, the leakage current of corona poled PVDF was unstable than that of thermally poled PVDF films.

关 键 词:电晕极化 铁电性能 漏电流 PVDF薄膜 热极化
corona poling ferroelectric properties leakage current PVDF films thermally poling
分 类 号:TQ342.712 [工业技术 > 化学工业 > 化学纤维工业 > 合成纤维 > 特种纤维 > 聚氟烯烃纤维(含氟纤维)]

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