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  • TA的每日心情
    2024-11-27 19:03
  • 签到天数: 61 天


    发表于 2012-12-15 13:55:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    SSPC – Steel Structures Painting Council
    NACE – National Association of Corrosion Engineers
    SA – Swedish Standards Organization
    Solvent Cleaning
    Solvent cleaning is a method for removing all visible oil, grease, soil, drawing and cutting
    compounds, and other soluble contaminants. Solvent cleaning does not remove rust or mill scale.
    It is intended that solvent cleaning be used prior to the application of paint and in conjunction
    with surface preparation methods specified for the removal of rust, mill scale or paint. Change
    rags and cleaning solution frequently, so that deposits of oil and grease are not spread over
    additional areas in the cleaning process. Be sure to allow adequate ventilation.
    Hand Tool Cleaning
    A method of preparing steel surfaces by the use of non-power hand tools. Hand tool cleaning
    removes all loose mill scale, loose rust, non-adhered paint and other detrimental foreign matter
    by way of hand chipping, scraping, sanding, wire brushing, etc. It is not intended that adherent
    mill scale, rust, and paint be removed by this process. Mill scale, rust and paint are considered
    adherent if they can no be removed by lifting with a dull putty knife. Before hand tool cleaning,
    remove visible oil, grease, soluble welding residues, and salts by the methods outlined in SSPCSP
    Power Tool Cleaning
    A method of preparing steel surfaces by the use of power assisted hand tools. Power Tool
    Cleaning removes all loose mill scale, loose rust, and other detrimental foreign matter by way of
    power tool chipping, descaling, sanding, wire brushing, grinding, etc. It is not intended that
    adherent mill scale, rust, and paint be removed by this process. Mill scale, rust and paint are
    considered adherent if they can no be removed by lifting with a dull putty knife. Before power
    tool cleaning, remove visible oil, grease, soluble welding residues, and salts by the methods
    outlined in SSPC-SP 1.


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