Fluoride polymer resins include fluoride, fluoride and fluorine rubber coating three major categories of products. China's major producers of generic-type suspension PTFE resin, high-performance fluoropolymer rely on imports. 04 Fluoropolymer the domestic production of about 17,000 tons. China is expected in 2005 Fluoropolymer the demand for 35,000 tons of the World, 2004-2005-2010 Fluoropolymer demand will be 15 percent average annual growth rate.
Fluorine resin: Main products increased competition PTFE fluoropolymer including PTFE (commonly known as plastics Wang, PTFE), thermoplastic polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), Fusible of polytetrafluoroethylene (PFA), Poly 40 Vinylidene fluoride - ethylene, polyethylene-chlorotrifluoroethylene (PTFCE) and poly vinyl fluoride (PVF), and other varieties. It has excellent low-temperature-resistant high-performance, insulation, weatherability, Nai Moca, chemical stability and lubricity, and other characteristics, can be widely used in the petrochemical industry, aerospace, machinery, electronics, construction, household appliances, automobiles and light Spinning, and other industrial sectors. Fluorine resin because of its unique performance, global production and consumption increased rapidly, the current global consumption of fluorine resin is about 120,000 tons, of which about 70 percent of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE).
The current global fluorine resin manufacturers have more than 20, more than 10 countries around the world. The world fluorine resin major U.S. manufacturer DuPont, the British company ICI, Japan's Asahi Glass and Daikin Corporation, and their annual production capacity of 3,000 to 20,000 tons from. Foreign production of fluorine-containing compounds higher degree of automation, commonly used by computer analysis and test control technology. In the polymerization process, polymerization, and other aspects of the ongoing system. Therefore, foreign fluorine resin variety and quality are far ahead. With technological development, the use of fluorine resin are also constantly expanded.
China's fluorine resin industry started in the early 1960s. However, due to a variety of factors constraints, the scale of production technology and the overall level is relatively low. Currently abroad have all the varieties of industrialization, China has basically developed, most of which have been put into production. But the question is: smaller production capacity, variety Grade little rough, the size of suspended more PTFE resin products, resins and fine-grained less. High-end varieties still have to depend on imports.
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is the main fluoride plastic varieties are divided into coarse-grained level, packing level, powder-class (Xu Nien scattered), water-based dispersion-and-such as paraffin, heat-resistant, resistant to chemicals in good condition Low friction, electrical insulation properties are excellent, in continuous use under high temperature. The current supply market in the three major varieties of PTFE resin were suspended, dispersed resin and concentrated liquid dispersion, which accounted for consumption of 50% -60%, 20% -35% and 15% -20%. In addition to PTFE, China's main varieties are fluorine resin-propylene-wide fluoroacetamide (EFP or F46), polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and poly-chlorotrifluoroethylene (PCTFE), which PTFE fluoropolymer production capacity of Ratio of nearly 90 per cent, while other fluoride and fluorine resin rubber proportion is only about 10 percent, there is a clear structural imbalances, high-performance fluoropolymer to rely on imports. 2003 domestic production of fluorine resin has seven major enterprises, domestic production capacity of more than 90 percent of overall capacity. PTFE production in 2003 was as follows shown in the table below. In 2005, China's apparent consumption of PTFE will be over 20,000 tons, second only to the United States, Europe and Japan.
聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)是氟塑料的主要品种,主要分为粗粒级、填料级、粉末级(絮粘分散)、水性分散级和石蜡级等,其耐热、耐化学品性能良好,摩擦系数低,电气绝缘性能十分优异,能在高温下连续使用。目前供应市场的PTFE三大品种分别为悬浮树脂、分散树脂和浓缩分散液,分别占消费量的50%-60%、20%-35%和15%-20%。除PTFE外,我国主要氟树脂品种还有聚全氟乙丙烯(EFP或F46)、聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)和聚三氟氯乙烯(PCTFE)等,其中PTFE含氟聚合物生产能力所占比例接近90%,而其他氟树脂和氟橡胶所占比例仅为10%左右,存在着明显的结构性的不平衡,高性能的含氟聚合物要依靠进口。2003年国内氟树脂生产企业主要有7家,生产能力占国内总产能的90%以上。2003年我国PTFE生产情况如下表所示。2005年,我国PTFE的表观消费量将超过2万吨,仅次于美国、欧洲和日本。 |