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April 16, 2018:A “process upset” during caused a piece of equipment to explode at a 3M's production site in Hutchinson, MN last Thursday, injuring three people and causing part of the plant to be shut down while an investigation into the cause was conducted.
上周四,3M位于Hutchinson, MN的工厂因“处理混乱”造成一个设备爆炸,造成3人受伤并且使得工厂部分装置在调查事故原因期间关停。
The explosion occurred at about 1:30 p.m., Hutchinson Police Chief Dan Hatten said in a report by the Associated Press (AP), adding that no fire was observed. A spokesperson for 3M told Minneapolis-based NBC News affiliate KARE that the explosion in the equipment occurred due to an “upset in the cooling process.”
Hutchinson警察局长Daniel Hatten说根据美联社的报道,爆炸发生在下午1点30分,并且指出没有火发现。3M公司发言人告诉明尼阿玻里斯市NBC新闻附属机构KARE,爆炸是在一个设备”在冷却过程中发生混乱”造成的。
3M's company's plant in Hutchinson is its largest in the U.S., according to the company's website, producing an array of tapes, adhesives, and household-related products all five of 3M's divisions.
3M在Hutchinson的工厂是美国最大的工厂,从公司网站得知,该厂区主要生产胶带系列、粘结剂和家居用品产品,共有5个部门。 |