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    发表于 2013-4-14 18:15:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


    摘 要:针对淬火温度、淬火时间和淬火液温度等条件,采用三因素二水平的正交表L4(23)分析方法对聚四氟乙烯管材性能的影响进行了分析研究,初步得出了淬火工艺条件控制的规律,即淬火温度在380-400℃内,提高温度对改善产品性能有利;淬火时间在20~40min内,延长淬火时间有利于产品性能的改善;淬火液温度在0~15℃内,淬火液温度降低,有利于产品柔韧性的提高。[著者文摘]

    关键词:淬火 淬火温度 淬火液温度 淬火时间 管材性能测试
    分类号: TQ325.4[著者标引]文献标识码:文章编号:栏目信息:工作研究

    Effects of Quenching on PTFE Tubing QualityZhang zhengqingZhang zhengqingAbstract:Using orthogonal analysis method with second levels and three factors, studied the effects on PTFE tubing performance of quenching temperature, quenching time and quenching liquid temperature, and preliminarily concluded the conditions control law of quenching process. When the quenching temperature was 380-400 %, temperature increase was in favor of performance improvement; when the quenching time was between 20 min and 40 min, the time prolonging was favorable to improve product performance; and when the temperature of quenching liquid was 0-15 ℃, decreasing the temperature was conducive to improve the product flexibility.[著者文摘]

    Key words: Quenching; Quenching temperature; Quenching liquid temperature; Quenching time; Material perfor- mance test

    收稿日期: 修订日期: 基金资助:
    作者简介:张正清 男 1965年生 工程师 主要从事聚四氟乙烯成型工艺研究和质量管理工作公开发表文章2篇


    430.21 KB, 下载次数: 1

    售价: 1 氟币  [记录]


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